Colorado 2018 Drought Mitigation and Response Plan

This drought mitigation and response plan from the Colorado Water Conservation Board and Department of Natural Resources establishes the state's commitment to reducing the impacts of water shortages in the near and long term.

Colorado 2018 Drought Mitigation and Response Plan

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Year Published: 2018

Published by: Colorado Water Conservation Board & Department of Natural Resources 


The Colorado Drought Mitigation and Response Plan was developed to provide an effective and systematic means for the State of Colorado to reduce the impacts of water shortages over the short or long term. The Plan outlines a mechanism for coordinated drought monitoring, impact assessment, response to emergency drought problems, and mitigation of long term drought impacts. There are three major components of the plan: mitigation, response and vulnerability assessment. The mitigation component of the Plan conforms to the Standard State Hazard Mitigation planning requirements of the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 and serves as the Base Plan. Included is a description of the process used to prepare the Plan and a profile of the drought hazard in Colorado, including the nature of impacts and probability of occurrence. A detailed vulnerability assessment discusses the past and potential impacts to Colorado's economy, environment, state assets, and water providers. The mitigation strategy outlines the goals of the Plan and specific action items intended to meet those goals. Many of these mitigation actions are ongoing and can occur during drought and non-drought times. A capability assessment describes the State‘s plans, policies, and procedures in place that already help manage and reduce drought impacts. The Plan describes funding sources that can be used to implement local mitigation projects and plans and a description of the process for implementation, monitoring and evaluating the Plan.