Colorado Resiliency Playbook

The playbook is designed to integrate explicit considerations of resiliency into existing government processes and decisions including policies, practices, programs, and budgets. Using this playbook, State agencies can develop strategies and actions that enhance resiliency and improve successful outcomes for all groups/sectors.

Colorado Resiliency Playbook

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Year Published: 2019

Published by: Department of Local Affairs


The playbook is organized into seven modules:

  1. Define resiliency. Determine what "resiliency" means in the context of an agency’s mission and work.
  2. Build your team. Identify the key team members that can lead a working group to integrate resiliency into work.
  3. Develop policies. Identify the opportunities to enhance resiliency outcomes in their work through policy tools and mechanisms.
  4. Build a resilient project. In collaboration with the CRO and other relevant State agencies, develop a project that integrates resilience into work.
  5. Engage stakeholders. Engage stakeholders internally and in the communities to communicate about the new policies, projects, and resiliency perspective.
  6. Overcome barriers. Identify the existing barriers to incorporating resiliency measures into agency policies, investments, and operations, and ways to overcome those barriers.
  7. Track performance. Monitor efforts and track and report out on this work to stakeholders. Incorporate resiliency metrics into all projects.