CDOT has proposed a new standard to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector, improve air quality and reduce smog, and provide more travel options. The GHG Pollution Reduction Planning Standard is one of several transportation strategies identified in the state’s Greenhouse Gas Pollution Reduction Roadmap and is a key requirement established in the 2021 state transportation funding bill (SB-260).
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Year Published: N/A
Published by: Colorado Department of Transportation
The draft standard, as revised on October 19, 2021, would require CDOT and the state’s five Metropolitan Planning Organizations to determine the total pollution and greenhouse gas emission increase or decrease expected from future transportation projects and take steps to ensure that greenhouse gas emission levels do not exceed set reduction amounts. This approach will also streamline the planning and delivery of innovations that have proven successful in improving quality of life and air quality, like adding sidewalks, improving downtowns for active transportation with “complete streets,” improving local and intercity transit and first-and-last-mile connectivity to transit facilities, and adding bike-shares. This policy recognizes that the transportation projects we build have an impact on how Coloradans travel and encourages choices for travelers across the state