Recycling Recovery and Economic Opportunity Grants

CDPHE offers grants and technical assistance to support recycling and waste diversion in Colorado. We operate two grant programs and other funding opportunities to improve recycling and have several other initiatives to help increase waste diversion.

Grant Program

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Year Published: NA

Published by: Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment


Check out upcoming grant opportunities and key differences between the RREO and FRWD programs.

  • The Front Range Waste Diversion (FRWD, or "forward") program provides grants and technical assistance to Front Range communities to increase recycling, composting, and waste reduction.
  • Since its inception in 2007, the Recycling Resources Economic Opportunity program has awarded nearly $25 million to businesses, local governments, nonprofit organizations, and schools and universities to develop recycling infrastructure and promote sustainable behavior change in communities across Colorado. Funds are distributed via grants and rebates, approved by the Pollution Prevention Advisory Board.