Resource Library Submission

The State of Colorado's Interagency Climate Team's Resource Library is a searchable database of existing state and local resources that support accelerated climate action.

Resources can include elements such as funding mechanisms, plans and frameworks, reports, data and maps, critical legislation, case studies, and more. Each resource card is a quick reference that directs users to the primary agency web page where users can locate additional program details.

Complete the form below to add to the Resource Library. Please ensure at least one person (such as a PIO, climate lead, etc.) from your agency has considered what resources from your agency are most important to include.

For example, lead agency name
Note that this information will be displayed in the main search window and is limited to no more than 250 characters.
Provide a summary for someone who has never heard of your resource. Be sure to include what it is and who it is for. Please feel free to refer to examples.
If your resource does not have a specific web or PDF link, please list the best landing page URL.